Senior Sessions
YAY! You made it to your senior year!
Working with high school seniors (and their parents) is easily one of my favorite sessions to do. There is so much excitement and joy leading up to your senior year, and for most (but not all) that includes doing a senior photo session! Now, like I mentioned just a second ago, not everyone looks forward to these photos so when looking at the different options that are available keep in mind that there are sessions available for those seniors who are doing these because their parents want them to and there are options for those who have been looking forward to their senior photos ever since they started high school in the first place.
Step 1. Look through the various options below for your senior session (30 minutes, 1 hour, or multiple locations/hours)
Step 2. Make the decision on which is the perfect fit for YOU and get your session scheduled by clicking on that option and choosing your time slot.
KEEP THIS IN MIND WHEN SCHEDULING: The BEST time of the day with the most perfect lighting is either right away in the morning (within 2 hours of the sun rising, especially if you would like to be on the beach. The morning sun on Lake Michigan is the absolute best. Or the last 2 hours of daylight in the evening.)
Step 3. Once your session is booked, an invoice will be delivered from quickbooks. Payment is due the day of your senior session and payment can be made through the invoice that is received or by cash/check on the day of the session. If Venmo is preferred, that is an option as well.
Step 4. Keep an eye out in your email for an email or two leading up to your session with helpful information. Also, have questions about what to wear?! Feel free to text me/email me with what you are thinking about wearing and I will gladly work with you on what to wear to help you feel your absolute best
Step 5. SHOOT DAY! Please arrive 5 minutes early to your session. I drive a grey/blue Toyota Highlander. However, I will be in contact a few days before your session to confirm our meeting location to make sure you know exactly where to be.
Step 6. You receive your edited images back within 2 weeks after your session date. Look through the photos with your parents, download your favorites to share with your friends, and start ordering prints!
Step 7. Have the BEST Senior Year!
Senior MINI Session
A Senior Mini Session is a 30 minute session at the location of your choosing!
1 Location
edited images delivered with the rights to print/share
This session is great for those that would like to have some great quality images to celebrate their senior year, for Mom & Grandma to print & hang up proudly, and to use for the yearbook but aren't too crazy about having a long session.
Standard Senior Session
A Standard Senior Session is an hour long session at the location of your choosing
1 Location
1 Hour of time
Multiple outfit changes
edited images delivered with the rights to print/share how you please
This session is perfect for those that would like to have a couple different outfits to choose from and are interested in a longer session to allow for more variety in background & poses
Full Senior Session
A Full Senior Session is a longer session at multiple locations of your choosing!
Multiple locations
2 Hour Session
Multiple outfit changes
edited images delivered with the rights to print/share how you please
This session is perfect for those that would like the full senior session experience. We will talk together about what locations you may be interested in, such as if you are involved in a sport and would like some done at the field and also would like to go to a park nearby. You can have multiple different outfits and the session will be about 2 hours in length. We will just hang out together and have a blast while documenting this exciting time in your life!

New Customers:
After completing the checkout process, you will have the opportunity to create an account.